Soon to be updated with the new blood (wrong thing to say in a town just recovering from a Vampire problem.)
Aelric Hart, GuardCaptain and Kindred of Sidhe
Master Aelric is following the traditions of his guild for rapid advancement since he has risen to his lofty position within the space of a mere two months - and rumours abound he is in line for the Guard Captaincy - unless they can find another Guardsergeant under a rock somewhere. His faith is an important part of his life and he is not afraid of stating his piece - as he commented to five Crowans beating up a kobold that it wasn't exactly a fair fight. Since this report he has continued to rise meteorically taking command as GuardsCaptain of Ithron . |
Callon Farsalken, Master Brewer , Merc and Kindred of Longstor
One of the few active alchemists left in the Darion area, Master Callon spends equal time mixing potions as he does bashing heads with his comrades in the Raptor legion. Those who claim that Alchemists are weak and weedy from their time in the lab would be shocked to see this gent running around in his full armour beating a path through foulspawn and the like. |
High Father Callum Cooper of Longstor
Father Fenrirr Cernwulf of Longstor, Physician and Acting Head of the Arboris
Only surviving member of the Cernwulf family, whose estate was torched by foulspawn when he was a child. Educated by the family gamekeeper, and later by the church of Longstor, He moved into the Darion area two seasons past. We were rather shocked to get this much out of him his typical response to reporters is no comment and on occasion threats of bodily harm, all in all a shining example of Ithronian lawmen. Voted by the graduating class of '95 to be "most likely to get himself killed in an amusing way". He has since left the Foresters and is acting as the head of the Longstorian church's military arm, the Arboris. |
Following the concept that rabid expansion is always good for a church, High Father Schultz is responsible for the large size of the Longstorian church having bullied, sweet-talked or otherwise coerced a large portion of the Darion adventuring community into joining the church. He is also now responsible for the spiritual well-being of the devotional arm of the Longstorian church, the Arboris. |
Always known as a diamond geezer this Darion resident is rarely seen in anything but immaculate and preened condition. He also has no qualms about using his hard-earned cash to pay off any mage or priest willing to imbue him with magics. Due to an incident in Kirk-Leigh he is also now a 'golden boy' literally - handling a magically charge rock with in a field of raw energy caused the gold filigree covering his fine jacket to merge into his skin giving him a continuous golden glow to his skin. |