The Dead and Departed
Abraxis, Elven Tracker
A elven tracker from the lands near Labry who had found his home in the Stappeford camp. His demise ,early in a mission to clear the roads of B'tuk's forces , was met with disgust by local Ranger, Triss , who was heard to say "They call themselves Militia and let one of my scouts die! I'd call them %$@&^*^%$^$" The text was censored for the sanity of all who may read this.
Avalon Serpentblade, Squire and Mercenary Azrael , Apprentice Mage
Former Apprentice of the Master Necro' and wierdo Peter De Bunnie , he got out to a bad start wearing orange, a silly hat and a raccoon called Mr Flibble. His new master has quashed most of these antics so we can only wait and see if he develops into a normal member of the Mage's guild now - as yet he has not been seen purchasing any Swiftdeath so it is obviously to soon to tell.
Novice Bakas of Tralda
This cheerful Ethronian recently arrived in Darion to help entertain the troops with song, music and a touch of squirrel juggling. He had also devoted himself to the Lady Tralda and even obtained the spellbook of one of Darian's former Loonies, High Father Quinn Harlech. (He certainly maintained the fashion traditions of Darian's Traldans.) Little is known of his death as he left one morning at the Council of War and never returned. Caspar Di Lorca Di L'Omelia Di Los Enansas Giverxos. Master Enchanter
Where once stood many now stands but one, in a change to recent tradition mainly due to various expirations by wild fowl, Darion has but one master mage. An associate of the Raptor legion, Caspar has few morals and even fewer people who call him by his full name or even let him finish saying it. He recently left Darion for greener pastures (though rumors are he had several enquiries for work just after he left.) He is at present in Guiadan working for the reputable Bank de Courronne. Brother Creed of Crowa, Mercenary Sergeant
Dibbler Reg Whites, Master Brewer and Kindred of Tralda
Father Fitzgerald Ficklefingers of Rolbor, Mercenary
Father Kubai, Defender of The Faith of Rolbor and Guard Sergeant of The South
Peter De Bunny, Master Necromancer
Peter was thrust upon Caspar, his present master when he was returning from Hadsfield, Literally. As the xth son of one of the local families, he had little obligation or incentive to find a trade so his parents decided one for him and apprenticed him to Caspar. The main negotiation point was a stipend to maintain his training (none of which has ever appeared). He has aptitude for magic however he also has some idiosyncrasies that include a fervent belief in pixies and a rather animated conversational fixation with his staff. Even scarier he's now being trained to play around with dead bodies. It is unfortunate that he died within hours of being appointed to the position of Schoolmaster.
Rohan, Mercenary and Initiate of Crowa
High Father Surican De Carson of Vleybor and Master Physician - Short term Primate of Githas
Novice Tanis of Kharach, Mercenary
Valentine Ratchet, Brother of Kharach